rack and ruin

[click on pictures to look for clues yourselves]

05/08/10 - i am looking for clues. and analogies. if i can find the link between a heap of half finished grannies and a ton of rubble, then perhaps courage will strike? it is cleaning-the-cobwebs-out-of-the-attic time today, and besides that : an old, worthless bedframe, broken children’s toys, old filthy clothes, plastic bags filled to the rim with undefined old hat, and more debris. other debris still than the tons of stone and sand we conveyed already. it seems all the stuff the people before us didn’t want, they simply pushed and shoved in the attic. behind a false ceiling. that we are now taking down. boy, are we bumping into the hidden flaws of our 64! wish it was hidden treasures. i seriously do. [and kootoyoo]


  1. Yikes! Sounds like a big job. Good luck!

  2. Oooo... hopefully you will find a wee fortune hidden in there too. Make the mess & rubbish worthwhile. Makes you wonder though what others are thinking at times doesn't it!

  3. Sounds like you have a tough job ahead ...

  4. oh i love an attic job. i wish like helli was there to help, well plunder i really mean. i am a curioius fish....curious that is about other peoples lives, in particular those gone on. what lies in an attic is surely a treasure.
    no gold coins tho?

  5. I'm sorry you didn't find any treasures. but you still have your granny squares:)
