tattoo you

boch vintage earthenware
fickle business. you look for the original series name for a vintage boch* line, and you get infected by computer malware. does it ring a bell? so. i am not a dab hand at technology as you may well know, but getting attacked is something else. it kind of sets me off on the wrong foot completely. 
dutch gnome design on vintage mug
after the panic a notebook scan, and safe removal of the culprit. if all were that easy (i did surprise myself though), i'd be able to tell you the name of the vintage earthenware line (first image above). as it is, i find myself in the dark. any suggestions?
one litre jug, catching the rain
also, braved the receding rains this morning and under rescue chopper noises, engaged myself in a few soaking grass shots. nothing like a good old dewy hike, bar the flooding character of the river, a few hundred yards beyond. visit herlibraryadventures for more vintage goodies.
almost like a tattoo, 'mange tout' design
* belgian earthenware factory


  1. "Mange tout"..; I like this expression (name of peas in French).

    Green mange tout. Sounds dreamy for a little bug.

    Thanks for the links too.

  2. love those gnomes. Bet they get up to tricks in the evenings...
    I know not your mysterious ovenware. Good luck.

    I have today, pulled the peas from the garden in order to plant some more seasonal tomatoes!

  3. I'm lov'n the little people.....I'm glad you took care of business how terrible! and the last jug, perfect for serving someone milk in the morning in your finished home. I can't believe December maybe you need to visit winter in the wait....

  4. Not a clue on the earthenware, but that gnome design mug is so sweet!

  5. I love that green jug and the gnome mug is fabulous. I read the Secret Book of the Gnomes to Ada sometimes.

  6. teehee cute gnomes! green often gets the better of me - love that jug! xx

  7. Those gnomes are so cute! Great picture too!

  8. The colour of that jug is divine!

    - Krystal xo

  9. Je kan was iets te klein voor al dat regenwater van de laatste dagen, hoop dat je niet met overstroming geconfronteerd werd.
    Ken de naam van die boch serie ook niet:( x
