♥ some like it hot ♥ {renov # 13}


what other words can i utter right now than the heat(er) is finally on! and we are finally in. now we're walking the corridors and stroking the walls lovingly (while doing so urging dust to flare up like stars). carefully circumventing boxes, bags and buckets, see us throwing off our winter clothes, for the new, old house needs blistering heat, the plastered walls on the highest floor need hot dry air, and for just this one winter in our lives we will shamelessly stride our chambers dressed in just a flimsy t-shirt. all winter long. after the sudden cold kept us in wait for a trifle longer than expected, i can honestly admit that right now, i do like it hot.


  1. This is good news, a new old house will slowly tell you his stories, stories of new sounds, light and shadows and you will make it your home.
    Enjoy the house and the heat, x renilde

  2. haha, heerlijk! fijn dat jullie erin zitten,ik was nieuwsgierig of het was gelukt! en ja...jippie:)

  3. good for you!!!
    have a warm end of the year:)

  4. I love it and one of my favorite movies as a referance!!!!I like it hot too!

  5. sounds so cozy! congrats and happy new year :)
