crossword (111-4) {vintage wallpaper musings}

- célestine, what's eight letters to 'keeping your hair on'?
- whàt?
- you heard. don't pretend you didn't.
- come again?
- célestine. i'm trying to keep my hair on here. now, gimme another word for it, eight letters. please?
- right.
- right? célestine, that's five. It's nowhere near its meaning either. come on!
- look, i'm not playing! i dunno. i don't do synonyms tonight.
- oh, don't you? leave you in tranquility, shall i?
- that's right.
- right.
- that's it.
- what?
- your word!
- which word?
- that a-one. tranquility. keeping your hair on.
- is it? too long, remember?
- make it shorter. eight letters.
- huh? tranquil? blimey. you're not kidding. it fits!
- i know. come 'ere, now, will you?
woolf, 19/01/11


  1. You know what, I like crosswords.

    In French, this word could be "perruque"! Ha ha ;)

  2. no, wait. THIS one is my favorite.

  3. Help I'm caught on the third letter must let this sink in a bit!
    have a great day Momma!

  4. i like otli's answer! you're giving us an excuse to have way too much fun!

  5. hah-haa!
    and thanks!
    your beautiful package arrived!
    thank you from the bottom of my heart ;)

  6. Momma, reminds me of Zalig Kers dialog!

  7. HAHA! I love it! It's like a mini play.

  8. Yes, dear Kers, you can hop on over and be grateful. Just thought your blog is worth exploring by other miners of the mind! hahahah
    ♥ Ta DA! ♥ Now I can do the heart
