vintage finds | blind frogs

[courtesy of bell]
you should see bell at it, really. how d'you like her army of religious figurines? she finds them in thrift shops and will use them in art projects for the new store (to be opened this summer). i'm dying to find out what all she will be up to... in the meantime, we sometimes thrift together, other times we thrift apart. we haven't challenged one another yet on behalf of portraying treasury, but i've kept my eyes closely on her moves. last time she was 'round, was she eying mr. deer?

woe me right
woe me tightly
send in the night owl, do.
bring some hothouse flowers
outnumber the napkin rings,
and swear by the eyeless frogs.
seriously! on my return, it was son who told me those frogs wouldn't be seeing much of the world no more... i did not see it coming, for i didn't have my glasses on. sophie's attic treasures.


  1. The collection of religious figurines sounds cool ...

  2. What a lovely little face...she is kind of Manga. I have never seen anything like that before. Were they decorative or used by little girls to role play good deeds! (Sister Jo is going off to the Congo to help the poor heathen lepers...she never returns, forsaking her life to save the souls of the heathens for Jesus, but she is forever Matryed)

  3. Reminds me of making my holy those are some pics of little me that won't ever see the light of day!
    Ingrid, you are so sweet and kind (and funny) I love reading your posts and comments.
    Larva vase very nice...hothouse flowers ha-ha

  4. Gosh, I hope you're keeping Mr. Deer under close and watchful eye! ;)
    Your thrifting adventures always yield a most wondrous variety of things ... I look forward to hearing what becomes of that religious collection.

  5. poor wee froglets - perhaps we could line up all the religious statues and pray for them?! Might there be a miracle? Totally loving the numbered serviette rings - great if you have a bad memory for names - each dinner guest could simply be allocated a number! Nice to thrift with a pal isn't it?

  6. Love the religious figures and are you going to post a picture of mr. deer in his new home. I love the silhouette.

  7. ha, i love those religious figures and this picture of it is fabulous.I'm curious of your plans ;)

  8. oh Napkin rings win for me! and that every so sweet looking DB Vase, please show it all, I love 1960s/70s German ceramics....

  9. HAMBURG? dear Nadine?
    you know, my hometown is Hamburg, I'm living here!
    Pretty founds... make me hungry for going to the fleamarket...
    Sunny sunday to you,
    x Ariane.

  10. I am laughing at the comment about giving your guests numbers in lieu of names. That would make you oh so popular.

  11. Love the stitched silhouette piece! It is oh so lovely!

  12. What is that hovering between the wooing lovers? It looks like an old phone on a tray, but still, surely they are meant to be older...I am intrigues

  13. Lot's of lovely finds with my favourite being the numbered napkin rings.

  14. Thrifting adventures are the best! You make me long for a colourful fleamarket!

  15. The cross stitch! I like the army of nuns. Great finds ♥

  16. Amazing finds, the owl, the tapestry, I LOVE IT ALL!!! But that little frog thing-so cute, love my frogs. You truly have skills!
