corner view ≈ tiny

'home cutting'
day by day tiny gets more ground. by setting forth the tiny journey, the tininess of things appeals more. 

'cloud cutting'
especially when one can put tininess in x-mas boxes! {here she goes!} will it help if this is the very last time i mention x-mas before x-mas? (but not boxes, 'course). 

'bus cutting'
and don't let appearances have you deceive either, all will be revealed, in due course. 

'booklet folding'
in fact, tiny soon to be a recurring theme .... in the meantime looking forward to your tininesses... ☻ jane's corner view, hosted by francesca


  1. Your booklet folding looks very nice and super tiny Nadine - but you are a tiny bit too early for Christmas! :)

  2. These look great,Nadine. I love the know why :)
    I'm curious what it leads to Christmas time.
    And your ..looks also wonderful :)

  3. Tiny and precious are often close ;)

  4. I love the bus, the clouds, but especially your banner ! I see that someone is already thinking of her gift list and ready to open the christmas workshop ! Just wait a little more, I'm enough depressed to see all the scholars stuffs at the supermarket since the begining of the holidays ;-)
    Have a nice day, my dear!

  5. Oh ist this sweet. Tiny things, and a tiny book.:)

  6. I too have a tiny book in my CV entry, a favorite Ant and Bee title from childhood.

  7. Lovely tiny gifts you are fabricating, but do you know you put tiny pressure on me to finally start thinking of christmas presents when I've not even packed my cases for summer holidays...?! ;o))

  8. Great header--caught my eye immediately! Still love that quote esp. the (rebel)!;>)
    I'm so intriqued by these houses and all that goes into making them! My favorite of what I see now is the houses, but the clouds are inchanting and the busses cute (why buzz?). So INTRIQUED.
    Great idea for a theme. I had two ideas right away. I ended up going with the one that required least explanation and words--still feeling punk after a 5 day virus.
    This is the first day that I could even sit and read others' post! But two good things: I lost 7 pounds and read the last two HUGE Harry Potter books. I sat all cuddled up in blankets in my recliner chair tea, cats, and book. :)

  9. love those tiny houses... but i think now you've begun with the christmas hints you must continue with some small glimpses, at least, or we shall expire with anticipation before december 25th!

  10. great interpretation of this week's theme

  11. such a cute tiny book! and yes pls. no more x-mas before x-mas :D

  12. What a wonderful, tiny, universe! Especially the clouds and Buzz Bus :)

  13. ...oh for the love of tiny things, this makes me want to find out what you were doing last December.

  14. These are adorable and you are a true artist.

  15. I do want to see what you do with the clouds!

  16. I am going to try not to mention Xmas :> Hard for me come September. I love what you are working on, intrigued!

  17. love your tiny sweet booklets. :) xo

  18. the little houses are so cute and the booklet too ...

  19. wauw....
    it is lovely
    and I am as curious as Elisabeth
    what will you do with the clouds?!

  20. what a sweet tiny creation. very lovely.

  21. so cute! i love all things tiny

  22. Oh how wonderful ... I do love tiny things. They always hold the air of mystery very close to themselves.

  23. Oh those little houses are's inhabitants must be microscopic!
    But why did you make me start worrying about Christmas already?!! :-)

  24. Very nice. Very jealous of those who have a talent for crafts.

  25. Oh, I love the little bus and the clouds. So clever and so, so cute!

  26. Oh wowwow, these are so beautiful, x
