drawing | metamorphosis

while googling metamorphosis, my mind starts focusing on one i love to jabber about, whenever i get a chance. do you know of maria (some semblings to the original maria are in place, yes), who is waiting on an intermediary (read : saviour) in metropolis?

directed by fritz lang in 1927, metropolis has, throughout time, been subject to controversy and genius. the sap that i am is most crazy about the eighties giorgio moroder version, reverberating (a.o.) freddie mercury's theme song LOVE KILLS. doesn't it just, sometimes? kill. love. ☻

this week's theme found me drawing and scribbling on something i threw out this morning. the relief! which is the reason why i have to turn metamorphosis upside down, and show you a possible before.

{filmmuseum berlin - deutsche kinemathek}
image found here
if the above sketch served for lang's fantastic megalopolitan vision in his 1927 movie, then below here is just one of the urban places we come from, right? well, perhaps not in those colours...

ariane, she did touch a vein in me! the cultural minded lady she is, i'm pretty sure she'll nod at metropolis, nein? anyway, metamorphoses galore in her house today! go see...


  1. Your just such an interesting person......I had a hole we patched up and I was wondering if you ever filled your hole up?

  2. I saw Metropolis when I was a teenager and thought I was so clever and arty...ha-ha. When I saw the b&w image pop up in my Blogs I Follow list I immediately thought of Metropolis and started thinking about it...this was before I read your post...anyway, I love your crayon drawing Woolfy, I like to think about people who are still awake while most of us are sleeping...sometimes this is me...x

  3. You are such a cultured person!Why do you always know anything about everything? What a little piece of jewellery you are Nadine!
    How's your letter doing? I run like crazy every morning to check the mail, because I was actually back before the 15th
    Big kisses, I'll go take a look at your latests posts

  4. My best friend and I hold Metropolis dear to our hearts :) We saw it in college and were just blown away. Then again in film class and it became countless after that. Now she has the poster on her wall. I love that you have writtin about it!

  5. I love Metropolis, and I love the soundtrack they've added when it was restored!

  6. looking at your images (I can't play videos, my connection is too slow), how come they're in color?! the restored version I saw (80s sounds about right) was the original b&w!

  7. Oh, dear Nadine, ja, I nod, I nod.
    Brigitte Helm in Metropolis is the hero of my early twenties...
    Love kills? Proust dedicates this theme 'In Search Of A Lost Time'... 'Swann's Way', do you nod?

    I wish our cities would be in those colours! Would be such a pretty light...
    Last night I dreamt of the place where I grown up. As a child when I wake up in the night, I look out of the window. These quietness... wonderful - and my view showed me some people are sleeping, some dont.

    Curios, isn't it.

    Love, Ariane.

  8. Hankering now to revisit Metropolis. On the big screen.

    Thanks for the reminder and the tantalizing visuals posted.

  9. Nadine, my dear friend, I never answered your latest mail - I had decided to turn off the computer and focus on living IRL. But I thought your idea was great and I have thought of you many times and summer is over and I missed you all too much to leave cyber space, so here I am again. Full of ideas and new energy. And I plan to draw all the themes I've missed when I stayed IRL, so I hope we'll see a lot of each other ;) And of course your metamorphosis was great. You're a fabulous artist, you know that I think so, don't you?
    Love, Elisabeth

  10. Oh my, those colours are a delight ... you see the brightness in the world my dear. xx

  11. Dear woolf,
    I am beyond glad to be here, and even moreso to read your words of wisdom. And also intrigued by your name 'woolfenbell', wich made me think of wolves (of which they are only a few left in our area), and the lovely Virginia. That's a powerful combination.

    Now, unfortunately, Fritz Lang's 'Metropolis' is unknown to me. It will not be for long though, I will definitely watch it with my son who walks around with 'The Wall' spinning in his head. I think we might both like 'Metropolis'.

    I would have liked to walk into your city of unusual structures, promising colours, letters and quotes. Actually, I think I might be sitting in one of those dimly lighted rooms already.
    Thank you, Nadine - for a lot.

  12. your are so wise
    know so much
    and you always
    made me look at things differently

  13. I've never seen metropolis - I think, I'll watch it soon...
    YOUR city is beautiful, I love the colours very much! xx mano

  14. hello my wolfy friend. it has been a long time.... people have forgotten me here down under... as I struggle to keep up with it all... living through my own metamorphosis... x
