corner view ≈ white

entrance sign to nearby camping grounds, de gavers, schendelbeke, geraardsbergen
white. there's a lady in town who only wears white. winter. summer. she's wearing white. from her shoes to her cap, it's white she sticks to. gram'ma to a baker's, i asked her once, did it have something to do with the probable whiteness of flour, used in the bakery. she stopped, and stared at me, as if my query arrived on a direct flight from pluto. her hands held back tight behind her plumb body, i might as well have begged her her last penny. nodding negatively, she never spoke. 

jane's corner view, francesca's hosting. 


  1. Winter white is the new cool colour in bags and boots. I knew a woman who was always dressed in pink, from head to toe, as was her house, inside and out! xo

  2. Haha, thats the most funny story you've ever told. I guess this story imagine the odd woman starring at you will follow me the hole day!

  3. That one made me smile. Even despite her strange reaction. Reminds me of a man here in town who doesn't wear white but yellow...his main business is to collect broken umbrellas from dustbins and talking to passengers in weird sentences...he seems to me like lively poetry or at least real street theatre, but when he tries to talk to me for the hundredth time, I sometimes wish he would only nod at me and let me pass by without words... ;o)

  4. great story!!!hihi ,i like white xx

  5. sweetie, i'm hosting this weeks dc, i hope you're joining us, x

  6. hehehe, funny. I can see this woman in her white, but I wold have loved to see your reaction!!
    maybe better than all black? who knows....
    thanks for making me smile this afternoon.

  7. I can't imagine a woman dressed all in white, all the time. Funny that - considering many people dress all in black, all the time, and I would hardly give them a second glance. Indeed I am guilty of that particular colour choice myself many times - though I am trying hard to break myself out of the habit!

  8. I love your white story,
    yes, I feel from reading it..
    white is the color of imagination!

    (a white heart riding on a black horse to say hi to a tiny woolf who always makes me smile!)

  9. I've seen ladies always dressed in white (especially on the French Riviera) ... but they were talking!!! :D

  10. I imagine that lady gave you a blank look ... another white gesture (like the blank white page). The image aldo holds the mystery and simplicity of the white woman with no answers.

    p.s. the first thing I heard on the radio this morning was a piece about tourists flocking to a Belgian brewery today for 12-12-12 beer! So I was thinking of you from the start! (Happy 12-12-12)

  11. I remember not replying to someone once, when I was asked why I only wore black. I was speechless because it wasn't true at all! That person only happened to see me when I was in black!

  12. Your story makes me want to bake something, with powdered sugar.

  13. That's funny! Now you need to photograph her for us :-)

  14. Interesting! Interesting photo! Makes you think a little! I have always wanted to dress all in white, but I think you have be pretty skinny for that!

  15. When I lived in another suburb that had shall we say 'colourful' characters both in fashion and personalities we had the pink lady. She was known as the pink lady to anyone who lived there and as you guessed she wore pink from head to toe and mixed as many shades of it as she could from lolly pink to fluoro. The only odd one out was her hair which she dyed bright orange. She developed a certain notoriety and you could ask anyone on the street if they had seen the pink lady and everyone knew who you were talking about. One day though she wore all purple which was very unsettling but returned to pink soon after much to everyones relief. An all white lady is interesting it would be hard to stay clean and does she wear white lipstick?

    1. nah. no lipstick whatsoever.
      and deep in thoughts. always.
      though this pink lady o'yours does crack me up...!
      weird, isn't it? i mean, wildy weird.

  16. what a mysterious lady ... and this makes me remember the series Numbers where of the charecters only wants to eat white food :)

  17. Great story from a white lay, I'm curious to her now!!
    There are so may whites!
    I think it is for me more open than people who always wear black!

  18. The comments have been as enjoyable as the post!:>) I liked how you phrased the question---so you! I wouldn't think of connecting it to her bakery son. I do wonder how and why she decided to go this route. Does she wear jewelry to add some pizazz or is it simple white. I can't imagine not wearing color!
    Really like your picture. :>)

  19. Near my home lives one couple always dressed in orange...never asked...
    Love the photo by the way
