corner view ≈ bridges and backroads {US bound}

the bridge that once upon a time unsettled me most is the san francisco cypress freeway viaduct of which parts came down in the late eighties loma prieta earthquake. i traveled the states in the year after and on one of my walks bumped into it. a local stopped by and together we contemplated our communal train of thoughts. the deserted bridge bore a frightening, if for some reason, serene sight. {this picture of course and by far not exuding serenity}. 

on the same trip i encountered my very first live back alley. somehow backroads always look more sinister in the states than anywhere else, something to do with the collective (television) memory, i figure. as the greyhound bus pulled up over a baltimore double four lane {adorned by memorable hanging traffic lights}, i couldn't help expecting a flaming red starsky & hutch car screetching outa narrow back road. needless to say that didn't happen. ☻
jane's corner view, francesca's hosting, jgy's theme of bridges and backroads, whoah! 


  1. so sorry they let you down in baltimore! but you have "the wire" as a consolation prize!

  2. A SF bridge and an amazing spaceship ;) Have a nice day.

  3. i don't share that collective television memory! i find that in all foreign countries backroads feel more sinistre, city or country. I remember walking some backroads in gorgeous south american landscapes, and at each corner you could be sure to find a hungry and angry dog or two!

  4. Oh my, how frightening that first photo is. What a scene!

  5. I must confess, I have a HUGE fear of driving over draw bridges because of mental images that are quite similar to earthquake image in your first photo. On a lighter note, I like the pop cultures reference of Starsky and Hutch in description of the second images - especially as my first thought on the first image was about the show CHIPS :-)

  6. The first picture is my worst nightmare!

  7. I loved 70's America :) But backroads are more sinister here, yes...

  8. Ahh, our perceptions vs. reality!
    I remember that quake because my ex and I had to cancel a business trip to CA---one that we were very much looking forward to. (Of course our disappointment was extremely minor compared to what folks in CA suffered.)
    As for our back roads---I was a bit confused---are you saying the tv shows gave you a sinister feeling about back roads or are you calling the real live alley a back road?
    My son was a fan of this show (egads, I can't remember the name!) and rarely missed an episode. Both he and his 7 yr old son were tickled when I showed them the lunch box I 'unearthed' from our attic. The big red car and the stars were 'plastered' all over it.
    Being country, I have a fearful attitude toward city alleys, although some back roads creep me out a bit.

  9. I was thinking of another show with a red car. But my ex and I were fans of the Starsky and Hutch show and that red car.

  10. Something about your US musings...make me realize why I may have come to live in Japan!
    Thanks n♡!And a little pink something, the color of safety. 💗

  11. those little graphic diamonds were meant to be a pink heart!

  12. PS i don=t mean the earthquakes, but rather the unsettling feelings...hmm, better to stop at that pink heart!

  13. WOw, first photo not cross a bridge without thinking about ;)
