the paris series II

PARIS II - VITRINE - i don't think i walked rue de rivoli before, not in a sweltering 36°C anyway. neither did i stay outside all day in such heat wave temperatures. but it was paris after all, and it was my summer break, so i needed to grow an extra conscience and be done. lécher les vitrines {window shopping}, a favourite paris occupation, came quite natural. please use below buttons for specific paris series. ♥


  1. Love it all, dear Nadeschda:
    Rue rivoli. ahh reminds me on my friend mM de la Bastille living close to it and of course, my meeting with my dear Sister and niece last year (in heat, too!)
    Love that you make a difference between 'classic' and 'vitrine'... and that in the capital city of France.. hehehe... the centrum!
    'passages'? Dear, I am mad for joy!

    So, please excuse me now... I have to decide which tour comes first...

    Meilleurs souvenirs!

  2. Oh, so nice to "walk" through Paris with your eyes, wonderful and so Parisienne! I love your window licking and in the mass these Eiffel snow globes are totally awesome - maybe a good idea for a future collection!
    Thank you heat wave girl.
    xo Barbara

  3. Uh, ça me fait une véritable nostalgie du voyage...merci for taking me down memory lane again...recognised some places, discovered many new...but all in all felt that certain Paris sentiment that makes me want to pack my bag and move over to the River Seine! Throwing my arms around Paris again! And so did you.

  4. hey how does it feel to be home and how is that fern? loving your pics and esp your fern drawings! clever you! xoxo

  5. i know they're considered sort of tacky, but i love those snow globes!
