drawing | homage

i've longed for the despair in their songs, before i got to know them. i've loved his voice from the first time i heard it. i learned about the lead singer's death one morning, as it set in raining. a tribute to david mc comb, tormented in life, may his soul rest in peace. i've taken the wide open road to this homage quite literal. ☻ kristen's suggestion to pay homage this weekend.


  1. A Perth boy Woolfy (my home town)
    I saw them (The Triffids) live more than a few times.
    A friend and I were talking about them just today...

  2. I would love to hit the wide open road for a while.....Heidi

  3. don't know them, but love the picture. great energy in the sky and the trees. hope it's a good wkend little woolf!

  4. And don't know them either, I'm more about women's voices ;-) But I love the drawing, especially the mysterious numbers...

  5. I think Mr. McComb would like your version of Wide Open Road! Those numbers excite my curiosity and counting down the miles on the Wide Open Roads in Canada. The sky is like a party! xo Carole

  6. I had never head of them so thank you for the intro- even though it feels sad, like I'm too late somehow...
    Your piece I swear I thought was a quilt when I first saw it!!! Totally amazing Nadine- and I think Carole's comment it spot on! The longing- in that music .....
    Thanks so much for playing!

  7. the uncertainty , the unknown, the adventure but the stars do come out at night again and again, somehow your road looks very inviting to me, beautiful homage Nadine, xx

  8. never heard of them, but i am in with you and like his voice very much!
    must also be that time, 1990.......
    and than your drawing. like others said, very inviting
    adventures to come while listening to music, mmmm......

    Patrice A.

    about the ship
    nee, we doen haar nooit weg!
    ik borduurde voort op de tekst 'don't give up the ship'

  9. Hi my dear sister! Never heard about this band before and I agree with the voice.
    But what I can say very clearly is that I truly love your artwork, these numbers are great and to me the sky seems to be full of dreams and fantasies to come true while you on a road of adventures through the unkown.
    Love and hugs
    P.S. I had a lot of candles lighten up last night!

  10. The texture is so great in this piece wolf friend. That sky. It is moving! The numbers on the road tell a story. This is a fabulous piece. Love it! N, xo

  11. I don't know david mc comb but his voice is great! I love your drawing very very much. the mysterious numbers, the DA, the colours - wonderful homage!
    :-) mano

  12. never heard of...curious!
    life is a wide open road, after all, right?

  13. Dearest Nadeschda,
    never heard about him before... thank you for your love... he is a carismatic man with a wonderful voice, indeed!
    Love your piece here... open wide road... so much more to dicover: that sky in van-gogh-manner... pure energy... as the overhead power cable, the strong red centre line of the road... and: you fool me with that numbers! try to follow them like 'color by numbers', but I couldn't recognize in that pattern a message....

    xo Ariane

    (I started listen attentively after you told us about circumstands...hope that has been nice ones.)

  14. Aggh, Nadine - the song, and your homage, tearing right through my lonesome heart this night with the rain coming down and my love far away.
    Thank you for bringing me back to the Triffids, whom I had almost forgotten about, all these years flowing by on my own personal wide open road.
    xxxoo, sus

  15. I think your painting is excellent, I went to the link and watched the video, I swear I did not know this band.
    know what I did? I copied your picture and tried to connect the dots from number 1 (like those games for children) but I did not get anything positive :)
    I really liked your post!

  16. Love that song, and I do love your visual interpretation of the wide open road ... it does beckon on so enticingly.
