drawing | nude

on the train home i was considering the common slug, the one with no house on its back, the one called naked slug. somehow that vision psyched me. so i stuck to harmless novel rubbing on page 177 of iris murdoch's BRUNO'S DREAM, while listening {!} to a television program. patrice's DC theme nude this weekend. in case you are wondering about: kempsford gardens. .. & river update.


  1. nude slug ;^)))))
    god, i love the way your mind works!!
    love the soft pink and those soft colored woolfs
    thanks for joining, sweet Nadine

    Patrice A.

  2. I love how everyone interprets these DCs :)
    Would never have thought of slugs!

  3. You've started a whole new Murdoch novel with the slug and the harmless novel rubbing:). Love it!

  4. Dearest Nadeschda,
    your Ezelberg drawing is really fantastic! The form you have found for plants is like an icon, wonderful and the shingles reminds me a little bit on Borremans :)
    And here! Slug not a snail! Ha, a naked snail... you makes me smile. Your soft tones... nude, skin tone, an eye candy for my eyes (as you know, Dear) on Saturday and Sunday. Kempsford Gardens...

    Hugs and kisses
    <3 Ariane of Rose

  5. Slugs! The poor naked slug without a home on his back. You, dear Nadine, see things from a different point of view. If I have a little book about slugs that once I find it will be heading your way! Have a wonderful week. xo Carole

  6. haha, you are great! Such wonderful interpretation, you blew me away, haha! I love the picture you created, very much fun but you have to look twice ;-)

  7. I love the way you used the page of that novel for this challenge. I thought about playing with text and words, but I didn't come up with a idea. But YOU did! And in a very fun and clever way (on a train, just the novel and a pen!)
    Love it!!!

  8. Oh, that is clever and wonderful! I love your way of seeing things:) Leena

  9. HA! you are a ticket Nadine- I love this and the beauty of it's random connections- just perfect!!! and funny...did I say that very funny- hurrah for smart humor in art!!

  10. tu demenages? et p.s. : tu l'as vu? http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/29/travel/the-art-crowd-returns-to-kent-england.html

    il parait que je ne parle que du français ce matin! xo!

  11. fun how you found and created nude on this page
    love the thought of a slug with this theme
    wonderful piece

  12. Very clever....& funny....but also nice drawing....I like the layers...

  13. Oh Nadine! Let's draw slugs. Long ones. Tall ones. Skinny ones. Fat ones. Ones drunk on beer. And, dead ones. Love your drawing but I love the idea of you riding a train and being psyched about slugs, even more. HA!!! *smiles* Norma, xo

  14. Are you in London Nadine? Oh, I'm so out of touch these past 4 days! Have to come catch up. Love your page and love you being psyched out about slugs on a train...naturally :) Have you ever seen Tom Phillips' Humument? Here: http://humument.com but if you google it in images you might get a better idea. Your piece reminds me of his art. :)

  15. J'aime cette façon de participer à ce challenge ! Bravo !

  16. Haha! This is just worth some applause!!! Great great GREAT interpretation, that could only come out of Miss Woolfenbell's mind...!!! Still smiling. That's just unique.

  17. Genius, my dear Woolfie. Very smile-making, your take on nude.
    (I am hosting this week, and hope you can play)...

  18. As always I love your unique way to play with every theme because one can be sure its not what all others do!
    xo barbara bee

  19. I like the combination of text and graphics (line-drawing)
    you have created a strong image, an attractive texture.
    I wonder how did you find the letters that assemble the word nude? It took you a while, right?

  20. I've been away from your blog for much too long! I am so inspired by your creativity, style, and originality!
