corner view ≈ one song

my one song today will be different from my one song tomorrow. if we're talking music i could easily fill up a few tapes with one songs. did i just write tapes? woe-hee. i'm officially old fashioned. this song though, i played grooveless on my portable record player as the backgrounds tune to my first ever falling-in-love & soon-to-follow-deepest-heart-ache. i was 13. jane's corner view, francesca's hosting, ibabe's theme. ps - tomorrow's song; day after tomorrow's song.... tee hee... ☻ pps - hover that image..


  1. That's a song for my day! Nice choice!

  2. Great song! I remember it well. (it's not coming up with a specific title--not sure why---I think it has to do with access to my song.)

  3. I was thinking this was Francesca's. I guess I need more coffee! My url is working now. http;

  4. Your song is not so old-fashioned after all... ;)

  5. I also say tape and album all the time when I'm talking about music. I guess I'm officially old-fashioned too!

  6. I am not familiar with the song, but it is a great song. Yes, so hard to pick just one!

  7. Great song! Loved it then, love it now!

  8. great song! And the picture is taken in public transport, right? ;-)

  9. oh my goodness! THAT SONG! i remember singing that into a hairbrush!! ha ha!

  10. oh ja!!! this one, i was young but later in my live i've heard it!! great

    also your lovely stockings!

  11. First, love the browns and leg room in the velvety textured photo!
    Thanks for bringing us into your todays and yesterdays. My record player grooved to Chicago too, perhaps our hearts were being formed across continents with similar tunes:))
    The todays I am not so familiar with, so its fun to see what Woolves in brown clothing listen too in today`s Land.

    Thanks for your recent series of comments, I was so happy to hear your thoughts. Me too, I sometimes reply late to something but always I receive your words gratefully and with joy in all our connections. Happy listening, happy today!

  12. PS the bell guy is pretty wild! I love the way he jumps up and rings those giant bells!

  13. i hope you now remember the music of your heart, and not the ache!
