drawing | abundance {calm part II}

i've been rummaging through my studio contents abundantly, to the point i've probably thrown out too much stuff, and i'll be sorry for it. it is however that kind of mood / mode i've been in. unearthing new abundance by getting rid of the dregs. 

my homemade gelli plate abruptly broke apart after my last usage, whereupon i noticed serious moulding going on, despite the preserving glycerine and sugar. i shall have to look into upgrading my recipe, or acquire a shop bought plate. 
i'd love to say i'm free wheelin' soft cuttin' away and having fun but, boy is this labour, or what? convinced as i was i was going to cut and carve one-two-three and hey, presto has had me in chuckles; and in tongue in cheek behaviour; and in right fits.

notes from a soft-cut novice : keep the design simple and then simplify that design {i didn't}, study other people's designs till your eye hurts, let hand rest now and then, always keep positive and negative well in mind, don't mess up. by ALL means, mess up! ☺

chances are i'm letting the print making rest a little. i find it to be distractive of my other plans {read: focus} and not necessarily contributive yet. wherever you are, stay safe. i'm wishing y'all a relaxing weekend. veronica gathers us in abundance, she sweet. ♥


  1. oh yes, a lot of carving, a lot of detail. this is how we learn jump in and then take note of the work involved.

    it is lovely.

  2. love your design, it´s even more interesting like that...
    free yourself and abundance will come!
    x Stefanie

  3. I never tried carving ... but I think I have some carving knifes - maybe I should try it TODAY instead of decorating the house ...
    I think you did well - i like the pattern very much.

  4. Great advice! I have some carving tools just itching to come out of their metal tin. What did you carve into? It looks shiny like Styrofoam.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Nice to see your woeking process.And tiny deer is watching! - eric

  6. Beautiful carvings, lovely details. Thanks for sharing your process.

    "Don't mess up. by ALL means, mess up!" Ha, I love this and should make it my mantra.

  7. Lovely flowers!!! Well done (and sorry for your plate).

  8. Well done on the flowers and that vintage deer is sweet!

  9. Well done on the flowers and that vintage deer is sweet!
