warning: confused post

the river spree
hello from berlin. i'm here, and not here. i'm using old photos to show you where we're at. i am a free person, walking the free earth, and enjoying it. i am thankful. 

i am also confused, very confused. i know just a tiny bit about politics. i know that a democracy works, and i see that a tyranny doesn't. yet the world has many derivatives to political systems that suppress. 

brandenburger tor & trabant vintage cars
i am standing at the brandenburger tor, and we may grab a trabant and go back in time, in style. and this place carries a past that is heavy. this city is free, and it feels free. and open. that's reassuring. 

mosaic in hackesche höfe neighbourhood
and i realize that we need to fight for our world as we know it to remain as good as it is. right now. we need to fight for our rights. we cannot ignore our freedom, we must not accept terror. 

Reichstag , way down from top op glass building
every time a bomb goes off, i die a little. although i'm not dead, i die. if you, fellow human being, wishes me dead, then i die. and that's not a life to live. and i don't know how to handle terror. 

in all honesty and despair. we must. carry on. have a good week ♥ 


  1. Nice photos! I wish you life... and a nice day.

  2. yes, you are so right...we need these reminders, so thank you.

  3. Glad you had a nice visit! I need to look into cheap flight from Frankfurt. Would love to go up there for the day.

  4. I want to go to Berlin. Will have to plan carefully.
    Love your confused photos.
