end of my street - often when i walk by this patchwork of bricks, i stop and i revel quietly
calling blogging a day, right here, right now. happy to do so, fresh out of talking. it's been over ten years too. wowsers. where did that time fly to anyway? 

lessines/lessen - notre dame à la rose
all those creative saturday posts, filled with writing and anticipation. the photography, the drawing. it was wonderful while it happened and it enabled contacts with fellow bloggers from around the world. 

lessines/lessen - art in town
i've loved as good as any single moment of those times. i am now mainly using instagram, but who knows what it'll grow into, in the near future? i'm happy to find you somewhere, anywhere. 

brussels - tattoo shop in the 'hood where i work
this blogpost title refers to the amount of posts i've written. reaching for the stars (of a 1000), i landed on exit 981. as good a place as any. x