like beatles {renov#2}

18/07/10 - it’s a thing to never ever forget. close to three tons of stone debris, carefully loaded and dumped in the recycle park, in exactly four deliveries.

no summer sales to mention for this ol’ girl, but getting shot of rubble these days sounds like a true bargain to me.

l.&j. were absolute angels, standing by, watching over, grafting hard, down and deep. digging and delivering. car and towing hook at hand.

i admit, after a hard day’s night, we crashed down too, and shamelessly emptied out a few cans of belgian amber liquid, philosophies included.

will not linger on any details, but the very happening… it was ours! even a rising moon at barely 4 pm shone down silently. thank you’s!

1 comment:

  1. so excited for your new space happening,you can really find out who the real buddies are when there's work to be done, aye. two shouts out for belgium beers and recycle spots :)
