do not touch my dome {renov # 7}

la ninja, yo ! and thanks for the walking boots, honey, they got me walking alright! today i also stared at safety boots all day, from the second, the first and the ground floor in the new, old house. i am even temporarily mesmerized by safety walking boots, as worn by connoisseurs

l. turned up early and we took rides to and fro’ to the recycle park. 

the sparks sparking on that … anyway, in between sun and rain and laughter and pain, a small anecdote unfolded. the one where a hysteric voice suddenly screeches ‘don’t touch my dome!’. 

the last return from the recycle park did turn sour my absence my sweet contractors got verbally abused by my (too close to be good) next door neighbour, for soiling her flat roof with tiny debris and dust in the wind. 

moreover, her dome would scratch from flying chips and (unassuming particles of) brick. that wasn’t all. she continued to verbally shoot me down on the pavement, in the presence of son and l. and both contractors, and her husband, and her father-in-law who sprang from nowhere, ‘who knew so much better than me...!’. ahem. 

well, from shock towards a solution was needed. to usher one hazy culprit i urged the husband inside my house and pushed him toward debating further in a less agitated way. some husbands do have them, i'll say?

i guess, when renovating, you win some, you lose some. the winner today? my sweet, handsome, sturdy, muscular contractors. the loser? yeah, well, she had it coming. this one's out for a drink, you know? and cheers!


  1. What a little busy body...sometimes don't you just want to say , AH SHUT UP AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS...I have yet to have the nerve but a lady really pushed me this week! just remember we all love you!

  2. héé, special mention :)

    all I did was post a vid for you, pet. I've later read you could really use a laugh.
    don't let anyone "touch your dome" either, okay;) zet 'em op, jij.

  3. Mensen die hun opgekropte frustraties willen afreageren kom je overal wel tegen,minder leuk als het dan ook nog es de buurvrouw is.
    Maar goed,shit happens....
    Geniet van je zondag en bedankt voor al je erg lieve reacties,ik was er blij mee.

  4. A post like a tale, inspired by Jack and the Beanstalk or Heracles, with very interesting photos. Bon courage!

  5. Nadine, I am still smiling about you taking the time to look at so many of my blog posts and I am really smiling because you called me an "atmospheric creator" That is exactly what I aim for in writing, photography (still working at that) and decorating. Thank you so much for that confidence boost and I love the term 'atmospheric creator'. May I reuse that? xxoo

  6. Man man wat zijn jullie hard aan t werk. Dappere helden. Wij zijn weer voor even in de rust. Hard sparen en over een half jaar weer verder...hou vol meid!
