drawing | a pair of

in my mind, they are inseperable, to the point i like to devour them both in one go. yes, greedy me. 
in your childhood, did you drape these around your ear, i wonder? 
soon, soon. it will be cherry season over here. what a relief. do go check out helen's who has many more pairs up her sleeve this weekend!☻


  1. Yum! Lovely lovely lovely colors!! Yes, always in a pair they should be. ( do I sound like yoda?)
    i'll be back for drawing challenge next week. i'm still settling in...
    Love my package by the way! More on that later...


    1. oi, i'm happy then.
      so, you're back!
      welcome home.
      i have MISSED you!

  2. That is a true pair indeed! Lovely, fruity colors,too!

  3. Dear Nadeschda,
    of course, not alone in my childhood... I drape and the children do. The feeling of cold fresh cherries on my pair of earlobes...

    Your 'pair of...' looks very delicious... and surrounded with an easy veil pretty mystical.


  4. Ahahaha!
    cherries! they are a pair it is true and I have been known to eat a huge bowl in one sitting as well as the test cherries (just to make sure they are juicy!) in the shop when I bought them.
    Im not sure you would be able to eat both these babies at once though.......
    You know little woolf with big fruit this drawing is right up my alley such decadence in colour and confidence in execution very delicious. :)

  5. Cherries . . . oh yum! I remember eating them straight from the tree at a family friends' orchard in Central Otago when I was a child. And yes - I did drape them over my ears and imagine myself quite the lady. Love the colours - lucky you with cherry season just around the corner!

    And glad to hear the renovations are going well. I do so admire you for doing so much of it yourself. I - sadly - am not all that handy when it comes to painting and decorating!

  6. I adore cherries. Big fat juicy ones. We have a limited season here, our cherries are in season at Chritmas time. Which is the most perfect time for cherries don't you think?
    I don't waste time doing the earing thing though Woolfy, I sit and devour them by the bowl full.

  7. oh yes!
    I still drape them around my ear
    while eating the others

    Patrice A. x

    1. cherry earings!!! I forgot about that my sister and I used to wear cherry earrings and rub cherry juice on our mouths for lipstick..... :)

  8. At the very end of our garden, but on the neighbouring ground stood a very, old, big cherry tree, its branches reached far over our garden and each May they were loaded with the most juicy cherries, dark burgundy, almost black and shiny.
    Last February i heared a noice that alarmed me and oh horror they were taking down that tree, i stood there, tears rolling down my cheeks, i couldn't stand watching it.
    I tried to persuade them to stop, but they said the ground was going to be sold and it would be easier to sell without an old tree on it??????
    I miss that tree and i will never taste its fruit again.
    Your cherries made me wonder (again) do i have space to plant a (smaller) cherry tree.
    Mouth watering drawing! xx

    1. yes, you do have space...plant a new one, in honour of the poor tree that has been cut down. i'm sorry. i sound like a matron. but yes.

  9. lets have those delicious cherries after the great family dinner sooon! love julia
    ps. ha, i do the same as patrice!

  10. Yes yes..we did too! what a beautiful post..and you have invoked a special memory of my sister..there is an old photo of her with them draped over her ears!! Beautiful art..love the sheen of the fruit..gorgeous reflective light! Love it!
    Beautiful post!

  11. Of course I did! It's the common association for me when I see cherries: earrings.
    And the truth is I always wanted to have some like those, some REAL earring made of cherries.
    I love summer fruits, here we have a great variety, and I love when I wake up on hot summer days, I open the fridge and there's a full drawer with summer fruits. Apricots, plums, strawberries, custard apples, little pears, so fresh and cold, ready to eat!

    Family dinners, here we are quite used to family lunches since they are much more heavy than the rest of the Europeans' (if someone still consider us Europeans anyway!). Specially in valencia, Sunday is the day for paella, you eat it with friends or family and enjoy a nice sunday of laziness and good conversations. You have to try. I'll invite you when I learn how to cook it okay? :)
    Big kisses sweet, beautiful Nadine.

  12. I want to eat your cherries! You really made me want for summer! In an area in Norway we have the most delicious cherries on earth, I think, but only for a very short period. They are dark red, and fleshy, and are wonderful to eat. And you painted them, thank you!

  13. Your cherries make my mouth drool with anticipation for fresh deep dark red cherries in June!
    You captured their burst of juicy flavour. Yummy painting Nadine!

    We had a huge cherry tree when we lived in the Okanagan area of BC. Every June we would pick 100 lbs or sometimes more! We'd can gallons of them and pit 100s of them for pies.

    1. cherry pie!!! a whopper!
      now you got me longing for twin peaks fbi special agent cooper, who was forever talking 'bout {cherry} pies....
      hee hee...

  14. yes, I drape them around my ears, too! I love cherries - and your beautiful coloured painting!
    we have to wait only some days to eat them...

  15. Yay, 'course I put cherries round my ears! We had a cherry tree in the garden where my swing hang into...loved swinging under the cherries!
    What a pity I didn't have the time to participate this week, love that theme!!

  16. yum ... what a pair of cherries :)

  17. I hope we'll get some cherries this year, it's been so cold and awful, I fear the fruit trees probably suffered from it!
