drawing | web

drawing challenge | web
have you noticed? i initially misspelled what i was writing. i think the back of tinyWOOLF in the corner had something to do with it. as it was way too late to, erm, start over, i've had to be imaginative... actually? i rather take to tiny drawing mistakes, it makes the solving particles in our creative brains itch, does it not? cobwebs all over the place at renilde's. 


  1. good morning dear woolf,
    I enjoy your drawing and thoughts while sitting with my morning tea -
    now you make my brain work - so I say:
    have a nice weekend!
    x Stefanie

  2. hey woolf,
    you know, it feels like I have to go to school again:
    standing up early in the morning and all that... I was so exited d´ont ask me why ;) am I adult now finally??
    But we (!) managed it quite cool.
    Ok, so nice to have a cup of tea with you
    beautiful day to you

    1. oh, okay, i get it... yes, i remember getting up, going through the motions, etc...
      in retrospect i don't miss it, but on the other hand, enjoy it while it lasts... ;))

  3. I wouldn't have noticed if you haven't mentioned it...
    I love it in any case
    ( do you know you have drawn my hair??? )

    Enjoy a lovely weekend : )

    1. have i? no cobwebs in your hair either?
      and, hello!

  4. ha yes dear woolfie,keep them out, sometimes not that easy, but there is a sun out there and it looks like a promising day, so today no cobwebs but in the garden, let's hope.

    i only noticed your misspelling after reading your words, finding solutions...hm yes sometimes easy, sometimes a real challenge but we are learning, no?

    have a great and sunny weekend, thanks, xx

  5. don't see the mistake, Kers! but then my head is full of mistakes and they look like truths to me!

  6. sometimes I thougt my head, my brain ist full of cobwebs, but fortunately most of the time I get off them! I ought to pin your drawing on my wall...
    have a cobwebfree weekend! ;-) mano

  7. what a cool drawing :)

  8. Hey dear Woolfe, your cobwebs must have floated over here!
    They are in amongst the fog in my brain today.
    We are going the Qualicum Beach for the week. Will you miss me?
    xo Carole

  9. heeheeehee

    such woolly webbed hair....such a great drawing the perspective and framing just right. Im really into the colour palette too

    Fantabulous Miss Woolf

    Have a great weekend!

    Helen :)

  10. I don't believe in mistakes:))
    Or rather, I luv'em for their humanity.
    Best thing we can do is make 'mistakes' .
    And any other aphorisms you can derive on the theme are welcomed!!
    Oh, and I love the drawing and all those curly q's"))

  11. How lovely! You are so very clever. Now I know just who to call whenever I need to beautify some of my mistakes. ;)

  12. I wish all the mistakes in my head became nice drawings (and in the process, made my hair nice and curly! :))

  13. My dear woolen woolfy,
    dearest Nadeschda,
    you make me smile with your pretty drawing.
    And you swept away the cob webs in my head with this perspective :))


  14. Nadine, I read somewhere once that art is just problem solving...or solving (art) problems. Here is a perfect example. Yes, the creative juices get flowing when there's a boo boo to deal with. One deals creatively and artistically and that I think makes art more real. This piece makes me smile. It is humorous. And charming. Hello to tinyWOOLF. Nice to see an appearance. Love this work. Talk soon, Norma, xo

  15. This is a phantastic one - my 1st impression was that's how it looks often in my brain (and maybe yours too?) all this woven thoughts mixed up to a giant ball of (thought) wool, like a spider on speed... your colours are indeen marvelous and I love this groups of tiny little dots and this tiny little woolfy who try to escape...
    xo Barbara

  16. Solving Particles!!! Yes!!! xxoo, sus

  17. Mispelling, misdrawings, itchings, they all make life more interesting! The perfectness is boooring! And where is the cob web? Of course not in your head!
