you never know

i've never been one for cellars. so when i bought this house-cum-cellars i just hoped i'd get away with ignoring them. then the electrician happened and he suggested i put in good lights and sockets, you never know. well, hooray for my electrician!

cellars plural: i have three and a half. above see the stairs casement cubicle, now home to brooms, ironing board and clothes rack.

the middle cellar houses my 'dirty' studio. here i cut, saw, dust, scrub, paint and drill. the light is perfect, i have electrical power and everything is quite neatly stored.

front cellars are devided into two parts, (shown here is the left store room). seen as i've got things under seeming control down here, i suppose it's hands-on with that blasted footstool i was yappin' on about a while ago. first a bit more plastering. i will keep y'all posted.


  1. Good use of seemingly useless space - amazing what can happen if we let the light in!

  2. Your electrician is brilliant! Now you won't trip down the stairs and will not cut off a finger in the dark. Are there windows in any of the cellars? Do you hide down there on hot summer days? xo Carole

  3. Wow en je hebt er een zee van ruimte bij! Als je een keer "vriendjes" wordt met kelders komt het goed, haha! Ik hoop het gaat goed met je verbouwing, ik volg het met bewondering! veel liefs!

  4. Wow. The hubster would DIE for a cellar. All that storage space!!!

    Good on you for making the most of them.


  5. You just have a workingplace and didn't realise it. Oh Celine antwoord ook in nederlands laat ik dat ook maar eens doen. Het zal fantastische zijn een huis te hebben met een extra, onderverdieping. Veel succes met je verbouwing, renovatie en bouwplannen. Ons huis, dat we nu huren en in de toekomst hopen te kopen, ondergaat dan ook een grote renovatie. Moet er nog even niet aan denken maar vind je foto's, interessant genoeg. Heel bijzonder dat je ons hier deel van wilt laten maken. Veel succes en sterkte. Hopenlijk heb je niet al te veel spierpijn....hahaha

  6. Very neat and organized. This farmhouse has a sandstone basement that is quite damp and has puddles when it rains. We're working on a solution. I miss having a full, decent basement, but we have the attic in the garage which works nicely except for the steep, pull-down stairs---terrify me! :>)

  7. over here, we keep wine in our cellars :)

  8. I like your cellar but cellars scare me. We don't have them in Texas, just in the oldest mansions I guess. Mr Gage didn't even have a cellar.
