month of july, collage be {ii}

last year i did a long july post. i kind of put all things together. 
i liked that myriad feel and decided to do something similar this summer. 
my summer holidays are ending. i feel sad, but happy about the things i accomplished. 
mainly, i have been working, in and around the house. 

the shower is taking shape, slowly, slowly. 
the garden {not shown here} has been seen to, slowly, slowly. 
big and smaller jobs have been done. 
when i wasn't working, i walked about alot and saw ...
curious and ...
... curiouser things. 
it is true, when the weather is a blast, one doesn't need going far to find.... 
... everything. 
... and more ....
... sipping blood red cocktail things, ... 
enduring hot, hot temperatures at times, .... 
taking as many pictures as possible for this project which is now well over half way, ....
not adding all of the images to my folio, because some houses just aren't local, ....

 also, always curling back upon myself, trying out new ventures.
in many respects, the summer holidays have been perfect. 
i may still pop back before the weekend of august 23/24, 
when i'll be hosting the new drawing challenge theme. 
if not, till then! 
enjoy the rest of summer (in western europe), and if not, enjoy anyway! 
i'll be dying next week {going back into work}, ... and live. i suppose. 



  1. ziet eruit als een fijne maand!
    ik geniet vooral van de verrassende beelden
    die je onderweg bent tegengekomen
    als ik nogmaals je kom bezoeken
    (ik zeg het maar vast, dan blijf ik een nachtje ;^))
    kan ik fijn douchen, olé!!

  2. oh the melancholy of a holiday ending- but wow quite a wonderful show of photos you've got here! makes me want to go out and look at my own neighborhood differently :)
    Love visiting your site-

  3. i was nearly disappointed when scrolling down the pictures suddenly ended...that could have gone on and on forever, maybe like your holidays themselves... ;-)

  4. beautiful pictures ... sounds like the perfect holidays to me :)

  5. i haven't gone far either this month, and yet felt that i've been around.
    hope going back to work after the holidays went smoothly.

  6. I love this post. even I don't understand some of your words - I love the pictures and the work you have done.
    :-) mano

  7. I enjoyed this. My summer ends next Friday when we teachers return. the munchkins come back to school on mon. the 18th. so soon.

  8. I really enjoyed this lyrical photography post. I simply like your photos. My summer is hot, hot, too hot, but these days have been relatively cool because of rain stimulated by the typhoon. Only rain can soften the heat.

    Thanks for your visit and a lovely comment. Thanks to your early visit, I could leave this comment before I’m away soon from my computer for Obon tradition. Enjoy the rest of summer, too.


  9. Aw, summer coming to an end is sad. Wish it would last a little bit longer. You've taken some wonderful photos Nadine. I especially love the reflected house. Well done. In my experience, renovations always end up longer and drastically different to what we imagined and planned for. Keep up the good work and that shower might be completed before the next drawing challenge. :D Big hugs from me over here in E; a bit closer that other times.

  10. hello from long ago and far away (at least it feels like that, i've been so remiss in connecting.)

    these photos nourish my soul.

  11. I do love those images, poetry.
