ich bin kein hamburger, aber

one very good thing about blogging is encountering the writers. i never thought blogging would lead me to places, and this summer it truly did. fortunately distances between bloggers in europe are manageable, if traveling does require a little adjusting to. there's a chunk o' travel coming up, but for now we're staying put in hamburg. 

last year us girls saw michael borremans in brussels, today we're visiting hamburg downtown and throw in an exhibition. a first wander brings us to planten un blomen in the city centre. after the hot days we dare the muggiest hothouses, for coming out of 'em is such a delight. no more heat in the air! 

breezy it was too, down at the waterfront where, in the distance big freight ships are rolling in and out of hamburg harbour. we spend glorious moments near the ferry stop on elbpromenade, where we watch sunlight twinkling on tiny waves, our coiffes being ruffled, whilest breathing in salty sea air. we have a fish wrap, naturally. 

hamburg has tall buildings, one such tall building is the presently under construction st. nikolai hauptkirche. i couldn't take my eyes of its towering height. it does make one wonder why a belfry needs to be so high? anyway, walk and talk we did. eat too, again. you guess it right... fish (and chips). we're considering chips as an annual-must-repeat as from today. 

the weather turns since the heatwave and we sail from high blue skies and cloudy masses into heavy downpour back towards mild breezy hours under a wavering sun. museums on our list thus. having mercilessly failed an exhibition on water near the rathaus, we decide upon tattoos and today's images community in the museum für kunst und gewerbe, both excellently staged.

bidding goodbye is never easy, nor nice, really. therefore we only say tata, till the next time, soon, taking home reminders and memories. i am crawling through a good pile of images. i am working slowly, so i can relive moments. my last stop will be holland. more of hamburg here.


  1. Oh i love this and i am a little bit jealous too! :-)

  2. lovely, lovely to see you all together!

  3. as i said... in hamburg you missed me, not in berlin.
    a bit pity. but at least you had an impression.
    very nice pictures!
    there's a lot steal for the next time.

  4. Looks and sounds like a great trip! I'm happy for you that you got to do it and that you have such a great friend.

  5. Fun, fun, fun with the girls. Soon for me too.
    xo Carole

  6. wow, great trip you had.
    I should brush up on my German.

  7. ah, it looks like a lovely gathering :)
