corner view ≈ street art

brussels, marolles

what world would we live in, if street art were to go? 
this beauty i found just the other day, round the corner from where i work. it's on the whole side of a building, on the corner of an alley. as i returned from a brisk lunch walk, it surprised me. intricate, the design, don't you find? i've no close{r} up, lacking my camera.

ghent, near ham

but i take to peeling paint for street art as well. its lines and indentations telling stories, of ages, darker than ours. it is giving away so much. 
jane's corner view
francesca's hosting
tanïa's theme


  1. i like the peeling paint and would love to walk there with you dear n...
    xx♥ julia

  2. good morning woolfie,
    the first one, a very sophisticated street artwork, taking the eye upwards but also making me think of a map or secret corridors,
    the second one, a city shedding it's old skin like a snake,
    hurray for street art,
    have a nice day, xx

  3. Both wonderful and unusual street art finds! I don't know why but the first one gives me some oriental feeling, reminds me of arab fonts. And, well, the second...just wants me to softly caress it's surface. Without destroying. Looks like a city or world map, is that Africa or South America on the left?

  4. Hahaha...great how you see the art in a building!!
    Especially the peeling from the paint at a building.

    Have a nice day Woolfenbell!

  5. We needed to talk before I did this topic! I didn't even think of aging buildings' peeling paint and cracks and crevices as street art! I have plenty to choose from here --it would have been a matter of which one or how many to put in. Alas, no coffee conversation; thus my inspiration from you comes after the prompt is in full swing.
    Terrific idea and quite right. The peeling paint is art.
    Love the building art--none of that here.
    And whoah---what happened to tiny wolf?!!! I have not been able to visit others' blogs much, so I was taken completely by surprise. I LOVE the new look. Both elegant and edgy. Does that mind of yours ever run out of ideas?! How refreshing, friend. :>)

  6. Up close the bottom photo almost resembles leaves.

  7. Trust you to see street art where most of us would just walk on by without noticing! Lovely to have the time to visit once again.

    All the best

    Karyn xx

  8. The first one is so mysterious...a word, an image...

  9. this world is full of art as long as one can see it...

    you are the best Nadine!

  10. thanks for the tales behind the stories and the pictures behind the art

  11. The first one is lovely, but I like the poetic beauty of the second one better. I see at least three layers of paint. I like to think that each layer has its own history complete with human dreams for the business housed in that building...

  12. it's nice how ageing can be art :)

  13. very eyecatching the yellow pattern on the wall and the peeling paint is nice ... on a photo at least :)

  14. Those are beautiful. I love the texture of the second one!

  15. Hadn't thought of the peeling paint, but you are right!

  16. nice!!!

    You have a great eye for it Woolfie

  17. I love the crumbling paint... is it only me or standing there all day ripping it would be so fun!? what does the design on the first photo mean?

    1. what it means, i have no idea, yet. i should investigate further. from afar the illustrations look arabic, from up closer the coloured signs show off a doodle aspect. given this street art has been installed in the old part of brussels, the marolles part, where many, many cultures meet with its authentic inhabitants, it could have its very own meaning. if i find out, i will get back to you. n♥

  18. I'm here enjoying your post quietly, can you believe I don't have words?

  19. I like the peeling paint. so interesting, so pretty.
