did you google 'expect the unexpected'? i did. ☺ even though i look forward to the unexpected on a daily basis, i wondered about the others, i did. judging from the google wall, oscar wilde would be so proud of our universal diligence on the subject of the unexpected.
there's a belgian seaside town cradling moods past in such a groundhog way i'd like to bid adieu, assuming it's the sensible thing to do. drumming up nostalgia however, i am caught up in sandy dunes, wet sands and sea noise. mainly though, memories.
any place is a much favoured walk. an urban skyline will seduce me, yes, while wavy dry reed along the creek will stop me in my tracks and send me half lyrical. i always forget how connected i feel as i walk, as i wander. jane's corner view, francesca's hosting.
the myth of bread! how it is, in al its crusty yumminess, the fiend on anyone's diet. by which i don't mean to say i'm on a diet. no-ho! but since granola became my best morning and pre-lunch mate, i knock out at least one bread meal a day, for which i'm not sorry. 'cos when i say i love my bread, i depreciate. i'd kill for crust, once i put my mind to it.
after savouring a few articles on the art of making granola {of which you'll find just one here}, i dared making my own. it took me two bakes only to understand the business of making granola is a serious one. and then the liberty to engineer yourself sweet and savoury! even my son-of-the-non-granola-league approved. hungry for granola now? read this and you'll run for your cupboard oat & co. if we're talking favourite plates however, hands down: mussles and belgian fries. jane's corner view, francesca's hosting.
♪♫♫ learned how to get along ♫ ♪♪ has more to do with matchboxes than you would think at first hearing. let's start with the fact that the town i live in has a thing with matchsticks and matchboxes. like, a huge thing. CITE UNAL is an uptown area littered with comely scandinavian and belgian designed villas, at the time built to accomodate international union match staff.
i do hope y'all made a twinkling start to 2015. maybe you have made a few new year's resolutions? may you move closer to your dreams, for making dreams come true is one of the main purposes in life. i believe our dreams are the cherries on the cake, and we should not always leave them for last {speak for myself}; we should move right in.
ultimately, staying connected is what drives me. even if the promise of slipping between clean, fresh sheets at midday does appeal. as does a stiff G&T. new year's resolutions? i guess not. a brandishing start and a helluva' soaring crash down. do you ever feel a young adult in the house stifles you?