tchålerwè {walloon} ~ charleroi

my heart always sings in the southern parts of belgium. i was born close to the wallony border and multiple visits across that frontière linguistique brought me french language skills and a lasting appreciation. when a visit down under calls, i can but submit. 

charleroi has been crowned wallony-ugly-city n° 1. when observing the city, one quickly sees why. sorry seventies concrete urgently needs (and is gettingimaginative action, ideally uniting young innovators and dinosaur politicians.

i understand it takes generations for a city, a region, to rise back up from defeat when a billion dollars coalmining and steel industry crumbles to the ground, the devestation mockingly contrasted by naturally overgrown terrils around the city. 

with a firy passion carolorégien nicolas buissart earns stars for safari guiding eager tourists through his crippled {but shining!} city. it may not come as a surprise at all i hereby invite you all to kill your curiosity too and come walk with me


  1. I don't really know Charleroi. I know Liège a bit. Good pictures!

  2. I like that video ... and of course the photos. Looks like a very photographic place :/

  3. i love the experience of places that make our hearts sing

  4. Are we going there in Sept? I love working harbours. xo

  5. I feel the same about California as it was where I was born. So happy to be visiting this summer!
