renovations sometimes just happen

tiny champagne bottle for the collection ☻
2018 has gone. i've worked in the house a lot more than i had anticipated. in summertime i put floors in on level 2, so i could accomodate the summer gathering's women more comfortably.

back room turning into study. old diaries coming to good pressing use while glueing down skirting
in the month of december i had the painter in doing up 3 floors of hallway. i repainted the second floor back room. this room will turn into the study. and the big second floor room will be my new studio. 

new goblets ~ my very own house number ~ to be used to store pens
which means my bedroom has descended a floor. as much as roof skylights let moonlight flood in when it's that time of the month, i never enjoyed nerve wrecking skylight rain splashes on wet nights. 

such poor, poor images, pooh! but yeah, before and after
finally, where the ground floor restroom patiently hid behind curtains for years, a proper door now hangs. thus i'm filled with joy, moving around a house hesitantly, yet finally entering finishing mode. 

my newest craze
tragedy descended upon our family, in that we have lost my big brother to the big c, big being the only common denominator in this sad record. may you rest in peace, dear p. i miss your song. 

bujo spread. nope, not going to london, not at all
as life goes on, i'll be happy to get myself settled in over the winter months, into my new studio. i'm also still down sizing everything that i own, so i'll be busy for a while longer doing that. 

kitchen view
then hopefully, one day, i'll return to the drawing board and pick up being creative in a smaller way. on paper and in the paint box, hopefully. to ease my way i've picked up a bujo and doodle to my heart's content. 

bujo spread
may i wish you all a merry new year. yes you, perhaps 2 {wo}men and a dog, picking up my best wishes here, they are most sincere. ♥ this blogpost is dedicated to my big brother p. ♥


  1. Nadine you have been busy! It all looks fabulous.
    I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. I hate cancer and how it rips families apart.
    Hugs to you my friend. xoxo

  2. What a year! I am so sorry to read about your brother. Feel hugged xo

  3. It's wonderful that you have made so many positive changes in your home.
