hard-waring green {renov # 24}

the hallway usually is the artery to a house. it is by most means, the spot where one enters one's humble adobe. 
for the past two years already, we've been living this, our very own green, green grass of home. actually. that would be lying. it was only last year, i did steam off the last remnants of the multi layered wall paper, 

so this unpleasing green was revealed to us just some twelve months ago. this {cadmium, forest, hunter, army, pakistan, moss, bottle, poolgreen has been biting our ankles like it is nobody's business. 
not just that. it comes all glossed over shiny. once upon a time a slap on dado, it now sits saddeningly stickety-stick on the lower part of our much worn hallway walls.

this is something i have contemplated while plastering and sanding. 
as i've recently been spending the better part of two days in the downstairs hallway, i've had good intention after clever plan after sad rejection on how to efficiently do away with that ghastly green. 

as i've also been planning the garden these spring days, the meaning of the colour green has been seeping in through all pores, no doubt about that. 
green can be drunk in, especially after a gruesome grey winter. green is a fresh colour to cheer anyone up, on those budding trees and shrubs, and in the promise of flower leafs 
{and freshly sewn, invisible grass, for that matter - and thank you once again, renilde, for fruits of your labour from your luscious garden!}
just no poker green on a hallway wall please, and not of the fiery kind. 
be sure the dado green will pop back: it only sits on all three floors of the hallway. 
{image: installation in garden patch, 'sewing the seeds of lawn', praying to keep the birds out. explanatory note : the red tubing is the electricity guide from the house towards the shed, to be finished by electrician. the important part is already buried in the ground.} ☻


  1. So, I am a little confused--you still haven't figured out what to do, right? Is it that you can't paint over it or you don't want paint or you don't know what color to paint?
    Forgive me, it's 4:30 AM and I hit the snooze button twice and I'm always really fuzzy after that until the second substantial mugful of coffee!
    I liked the photo of your hands--I can see it in an art display where you stand and ponder the symbolism of those folded hands covered with plaster dust.
    You've worked immensely hard--hopefully you're proud of yourself--that's a huge undertaking and your diligence and determination is awe-inspiring. (My husband is the plasterer in this house--quite the perfectionist in that art arena---makes a horrific amount of dust and I always threaten to move down to the lake place, but don't because I prefer living with him in dust than without him in pristine conditions.):>)

  2. I'm with Beth. I never owned a house, and if I did I'd probably feel differently, but can you not simply paint over that green? Or use wall paper? Knock down the walls and be rid of them? If not, please get those poor hands a pair of work gloves and a huge tub of hand cream! :)
    ALso, I don't think the birds will dare come close to your garden now!

  3. Oh, my busy Nadeschda,
    I just laughed about your list of items for GREEN... - pakistan??
    And you have my sympathy. Building in existence is difficult and stressfull. You are very radical and thogough, well done! Great job!

    And your installation is fantastic. Although... what kind of picture we'd seen... a Alfred H. picture...!

    Good luck, honey.

  4. I can't wait to see what you do to that entranceway. If you paint it, I wonder how many coats of primer you will need first :-)

  5. When all this is done and looking wonderful you need to book a spa day! That green on you hallway wall is horrid AND shiny! We lived with an 80's orange and peach kitchen with fake brick floors for seven years before we could re-do it! The bliss of home ownership!

  6. the picture of your hands is great! but I think, you don't like it ;-) ...
    last year my tiny little birds nearly pecked all the grass seeds - it's a pity that I haven't seen your installation before!

  7. I know that you are in a reality of a house renovation, but all I see in your posts is the poetry!!
    It's a wonderful line about the artery to the house, so organic!
    On the real world, good luck with your colors. I'm sure you will find the right ones, and soon the greens will speak to you so just listen as you always do!!!
    Love and hugs from a pink world here,
    xo♡(pink) ♡(green)
