corner view ~ mono!{chrome}

in the eighties in music, we survived die neue deutsche welle, influenced by the earlier new wave. germany produced one great sounding band after the other. just to say monochromie does not have to equal monotonie. we LOVE monochrome, even if we have to fake it. jane's corner view, francesca's hosting, mezza's thema. 


  1. Saturated by melancholia, now, dear Nadeschda, IDEAL!
    I think I love monochromie... it is so calm. Like your walks... sometimes they seems to be a pilgrimage route, no?


  2. The grasses make such lovely texture. Soothing photo.

  3. I would love to be walking on that path right now! (This photo works for next week's topic as well. Well done, clever you!

  4. Your photo reminds me of bike rides along the canals in Holland with my parents and sister when we were kids. We never seemed to go anywhere near any towns.... just lots of fields!!

  5. Lonely road for a calm ride, as Mezza says.
    No monotine in monochromie ;)

  6. I like the mood of your photos, feels like a video still.
    You mention the herons always move for you... I am moved by how you are able to find such an exquisite stillness here!
    Guess what I would like to do there? Yes of course, when I see a road like that and all that space like a stage set, it just says dance walk here!!

  7. The 80's were the best years for music in the US!

  8. i'm surprised to learn that you're a connoisseur of german music!

  9. that is a nice song ... and lovely photo :)

  10. interesting, seems we're coming from similar places right now ;-)

  11. Ha! And I had long forgotten The Monochrome Set! Now I'm ready to type in all sorts of new wave bands into the youtube and time travel back to the era of great music that sent me soaring... I missed the first wave back then but caught the next.

  12. you are absolutely right - monochrome is not monotonie!! lovely picture!

  13. Well done, a very nice version of monochrome.
