AC | sticks

let's stick together 
loud, clear. on the radio,
sentimental air

two and two together.
bryan ferry's song and
dune sticks,
for tammie. n♥

AC | daily

seaside, at the beach. blankenberge (work related)
building a proper website still being a far stretch, i've decided to stick to my blog as a pivotal instrument in my digital communication explorations. new link buttons (do try them!) have changed the blog format slightly.

seaside, at the beach. blankenberge (work related)
i've been looking into becoming more visible on the net and i enjoy the online drawing community more and more. working on a daily project allows me to grow, besides feeling well chuffed and grateful about the attention. 

seaside, at the beach. blankenberge (work related)
i am still aiming to return to blogging and show more work methods and project stages. it might put back the pizzazz into photography as well, which seems to have fallen slightly out of grace.

going to paris without seeing paris. meeting friends though
doing just one thing at a time however, allows for a certain ease and steadfastness to settle in, which makes me very happy indeed. rose's weekend treat ♥ here ♥enjoy the week ahead, everyone, and hope to find you soon. ♥


home village, railway station track 2

so you should know that the title to this blog post has seen different captions over a period of four weeks. i started with what are words worth, i then changed it into another year reaching an end and look now... the new year has begun and i'm still at it: post and title.
couven museum, aachen. wait! a wolf???? ☺

to this date i have no idea what my blogging intentions are. i used to look at the number of one thousand blog posts with such awe. lately i wonder if i'll ever achieve that beacon, if that's what it is. i find i am also happy with where i'm at: n° 886.

couven museum, aachen

over the years i've loved writing here so, sharing snippets of life, finding friends and connections from around the world. and i guess i'll keep at it, probably at a different pace. changing times, and all that. the dust over 2016 now settled we move onwards and upwards.

lately, in the studio. happy drawing maps. ☺

i suppose i'll keep on illustrating a world in movement, be it through words, images or drawings. if the end of a year traditionally calls for a review, then i guess i'm saved by the bell by only writing now, in a pristine new year. here's to you, dear, dear reader and to 2017