hallowe'en ...

... come and gone, i'm a little late to slip in a moment i had just last night. it is silly what one picks up on a building site, and it's even sillier what all one can do with it. or not. as long as one keeps feeling ...


  1. Hot , I love that you could see that out of scrap!
    I hope your doing well missy?
    Talk to you soon!

  2. Grappig en mooi van kleur. Vergat je nog te zeggen dat ik je fotoos in de vorige post zeer mooi vindt.

  3. nadine! i just visited your food site - so pretty and so yummy looking! i could get into some serious fun trouble over there - not surprising that someone with so much personality like you would be an accomplished and discriminating cook. everything looks beautiful and delicious.

    so have you actually moved into the new house? you posted about sleeping in your last home for the last time.....?

  4. happy halloween, belated, and happy finding!

  5. Really great! Made me smile! ;o))
