corner view ≈ poem

loose words become a poem. or not. i haven't written a poem for a long time. looking back upon my 2013 daily-poem-spell, i now understand its shortcomings : poetry needs reflection. a poem needs adjusting and digesting, before it may shine. i have a year's worth of revision lying in wait for my forgiving eye. jane's corner view, francesca's hosting, joanne & ibb's theme. 


  1. I love your poetry. I cannot do poetry. I tried when I was much younger and in love with poets. Perhaps that is the worst time :)

  2. Even if it countered easy, the poetry is challenging! Your poem is like a smile... a hug...

  3. your words make me happy!! I'd like to see this daily poem journal. I'm sure there are gems in there!!

  4. I love your light and loose poetry!
    Its fitting for our age I do believe:))
    Leaving space around words, room to listen, and
    a pattern that makes us feel comforted and welcome.
    thank you heartfelt♡♥

  5. i'm sure that is the case. even just reading poetry needs reflection!

  6. How fun it will be to revisit your poems after they've rested, give them another look. You may wind up with a whole new set of poems inspired by your originals!

  7. I like be light and short poetry the best :)

  8. Don´t go back, just go ahead. Keep on writting ;)
    Poems are just something of moment...from heart.

  9. "Leaping heart" - there's a lot to reflect on there!

  10. Of course when I read 'leaping heart" I picture a leaping HART :-)

  11. what a wonderful trove of treasures your blog is, poems and all!

  12. Lovely. As always! Hopefully we will get to see some of these poems after they have rested a while and been revisited by your forgiving eye :-) Karyn - Eliza's Dream
