drawing | {fishy} birthday

slow down, you crazy child...  i coveted that billy joel album and cover. i must've been in college at the time. i remember my american pen-pall cathy coming down from paris for the weekend, bringing terry. i visited them back later. {i don't know why i'm telling this.} slow down, that's it. slow down, and simply do one post on the weekend. good, girl {talking to myself}.

i've been too busy. work, home work, cartoon dreaming, cooking. all as good as good things, and they ate away energy like nobody's business. i've been writing long hand letters too, they were long overdue. i need a clean slate, and i think i'm gonna get one. however.
birthday. i am one for loving a good birthday for its rite. i especially like the day before the birthday, as in : the last day of the year that's gone by. i appreciate those last days, looking back (some will call it meditate) on that whole year passing, by nature giving birth to a pristine new one. the days before turning 30, 40 and 50 were good last days. 
on our fische frauen's and DC host's birthday now, i must tell you about the fish. mum always made us custard pudding in a fish mould. after sunday meals, out came the vanilla fish. both my brothers infallibly fought for head and tail. all i ever got was a belly cut. i mean, yeah. today of all days, i'm offering the head to the birthday girl, but that tail is mine! fische frauen's birthday theme. please forgive me for offering vanilla spice, and no actual drawing. happy birthday ☺


  1. I like the light and how you play with it.

  2. erggghhh - i left a comment but google stitched me up! more soon. happy birthday to the fish girl!

  3. yum, that does sound good and looks beautiful. i wonder if you would offer the recipe!
    wishing you time to do the things you love to do.

  4. I'm with Tammie; recipe please. :D Love that Tin Tin cartoon on the building. Actually, love all the photographs. All joyous and sunny. Oh, and I have the same dogwood plate you have. :D x

  5. me too, love all the photos, the marollen is such a soulful place.
    the 'veggies' plate ...memories :)
    enjoy the tail, xx

  6. vanilla spice is the best. Thank you. Lucia

  7. Yeah, that's it! Fish for fish :-) That's funny. And thanks for offering the head to me. Hope you enjoyed the tail.

  8. How great is this...a fish pudding - love it!

  9. Yummm. Slow down is a nice concept.

  10. are you saying it was your birthday? the vanilla fish dessert made me smile. we should all have mould with peculiar shapes that we use for unexpected recipes.

  11. Hi n♡、Happy birthday to the birthday girl, and I loved that B. Joel song too! He was one of my favorite, fellow Long Island NY musicians of all time. The fish, you know, it feels Japanese. We have a special dish called `tai-yaki` and its a kind of waffle shaped mold that is shaped like your fish, and inside the waffle is either red bean or custard, and now many more fillings. Its `tai` shaped which is a fish that is lucky and thus used for celebrations. I love your addition of vanilla spice. For my birthday, I want a vanilla spiced tai yaki!! Happy drawing days to you! Love to you!♡
