renov # 34 {studio countdown 3 of 5} - funk it up!

i've had to overcome trouble-in-the-hen house, reminding myself of crucial lesson number one in renovation: always buy quality materials. 
as i layed down piece after 'sorrowful' piece of laminate floor in my studio, the individual boards chipped no end. just looking at the lamentable pieces made 'em 'crumble'. 
in a proper blue funk i called to my son. his youthful poise bore effect. i got over myself and accepted aversion. i feel better now. 

one third of the studio nakedness done. last weekend found me putting up a wall rack to fill it up with clear containers. i know. i have been repeating myself on the subject. in my mind's ear, i hear removal carton tear away at last. hooray
update ~ yes, containers did go up, as did as many bobs and pieces to be out of the way. no. not properly installed, nor emptied out, the boxes. hall ways cleared though, another hooray. we're not there yet, but the trip remains interesting... ☻


  1. Wow check out all of your treasures....Laying that type of flooring you need a drink in one hand so when you chip it you just take a drink and keep going...your amazing Momma.
    and what was I thinking....I'm crazy!
    How much do you want to bet I don't make it 31 days! Heidi

  2. o lala, lot of work... bonne courage!

    x Stefanie

  3. one step forward two steps back that's how it goes in the renovation dance x

  4. ok!
    ik ga het aanschouwen!!
    over iets meer dan een week


  5. grrrrrr that dastardly laminate!

    yes. you will get there eventually!

  6. i'm sure it feels good to have stuff out of the way for now!

  7. The trip is the thing! Great progess

  8. just look at that progress! (and yes, young things are often more flexible than we...)

  9. my grandma used to say: your eyes may be cowards but your hands are not
    I believe it to be the best motto ever

    love xo

  10. Wonderful supplies! I spot yarn, yarn!!!!!! Studios are great, I loved mine and one day will have it again :)
