the blanket story

one quart down, three quarts to go. i have passed the magic number ‘one hundred’, but like i said before, some 444 squares would make a sort of regular sized blanket. three squares a night remains the average. starting out this project, i didn’t realise this slow rate was going to be the way. taking in account our house is being done up as we speak, and cramp (also in the fingerbones) is already a daily routine, it will get finished by… ooohh. let’s perhaps not stick too timely a date on it. although, of course, i dare to dream. moreover, last night was concoction time : i can do this job from the inside out! i can actually make this project into an ever growing blanket and add another outer border of squares anytime i’m good and ready. in an unexpected way, that’s me sorted. and a blanket-to-be. MUCH more crafting on kootoyoo!


  1. well i just cant wait.

  2. Looking forward to seeing it!

  3. It's fun watching a blanket evolve I think. Enjoy it when you can. It is all worth it I'm sure!

  4. Good luck! Maybe one day I'll start on a blanket of my own. It sounds like a suitable relaxing activity for the evenings. Except for the cramp. ;)

  5. wow can't wait to see it finished...i haven't started yet, debating whether to knit or crochet.

  6. lovely absolutely lovely photo! good luck with you project. I saw you came on my blog as a "follower" and I am honored! Have a lovely week end.

  7. it's going to be BEAUTIFUL. keep going... i am totally drooling.

  8. I like the idea of making a little knee rug now, then slowly making it bigger and bigger so you can be warmed by it even as you make it...

  9. 444 squares?! Wow! Recently I've started crocheting blanket for my daughter and I aim to make 200 squares- I thought that this number is already a lot but you win. Keep going. The feeling of satisfaction when you're done will be the great reward. Can't wait to see your blanket finiched.

