drawing | wings

i really can't say i've been a devoted beatles or wings fan, but they sure pop to mind when i hear about the wings drawing theme for this week. i might be a little biased by a past, in which i succumbed to the mull of kintyre. so smitten, i could easily just have upped and away to the mull, age fourteen. all these snippets of memory that form a pattern today which hasn't changed that much from way back. i've not been to the mull, although i came pretty close here. 

those were the days with l., when son and i couldn't move into the new, old house, and l.'s kitchen view offered us this pretty sight, each and every morning, through october hales, november floods and heaps of december snow.

now, if only we had wings.... in growing some, you could flap on over to jasmin's & her flock for the weekend. ☻


  1. I just tried to write you a comment, but it flew away

  2. Oh I love your fairy with her autumn leaf wings (that's what I think they look like...)
    Sometimes I wish that I could grow wings and fly away...x

    and what a view to wash dishes by!

  3. Little creature with huge wings...it looks like ab heavy weight on her...or that what she needs a big wing to help, her fly...
    Beautiful drawing..

  4. that view

    your fairy looks a bit sad
    as if she can't get height
    in spite of her huge wings

  5. ... the little women looks really sad, hope you are fine!
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ julia

  6. what a beautiful description. I like the little drawings too


  7. I think you are lovely....to mushy or sappy?

  8. What a beautiful view to see in the morning, while making coffee, no need to fly anywhere else.

  9. such a great vieuw, even without wings one seems to be able to fly out there...
    is she sad? or can i also see a determination on that little face, xx

  10. What a lovely view. I imagined you in a house on a tiny winding cobbled street, with views to other houses over the rooftops. I adore your little booklet. I will have a better look at it tomorrow. Did you take the pics with the instamatic app on an iphone? How does it goe together? You have holes there. The little garden path is a wonderful shot. I am very tired and going to bed.

  11. Oh my ... what a delicate fairy with such big wings to fly high above the world.

    That view you share is beautiful ... both moody and delicate.

  12. Dear Nadine,
    well, I see defiance... and load. Maybe her huge wings are uncomfortable while she is on earth? But when she rise, flying over the poplar-lined field, she feel freeeeeee...


  13. hello nadine! loved your little book and i know what you mean about finding other peoples' pictures in flea markets. it's sad when you think about them.

    well we have something called "stay-cations" here in the states and sometimes they are just as good as the away-cations. at least you know where you're going to sleep every night!
