drawing | stained glass

the days seem to have merrily rolled into saturday and i find myself at a loss at this week's drawing challenge. how thrilling! i'd had a few plans, they all dissolved. so i started doodling on photoshop for inspiration and finally came up with rather a pixelated abstract draft to start from. me being just a teeny tiny bit lazy (and pressed for time) to colour in umpteen coloured shards for the weekend, i still had trouble enough over applying worn out fibre tip pens. must add those to shopping list!

call the drawing {above} an abstract to the image {below}, shall we, 

box n° 1
more on these soon ☻

because funnily enough, that's where i started from. the pixelated drawing reminiscing of colours-by-number, does it not? 

i'd rather now just come and have a look at your masterpieces, elisabeth, renilde, jasmin, rachel and ariane! your name not on this list? ring a bell! 

♥  who is chosing a   n e w  t h e m e ?  ♥ 
update : jasmin suggesting 9/11 for next week!


  1. You're so clever and it works!! Even the worn out pens colours look just right for the job.

    I will love to read some more about your boxes. Enjoy the weekend xx

  2. love, love, love the colors
    old and grey-iss
    and that box intrigues

    happy weekend
    and sorry
    but my weblog is still out of order

  3. Dearest Nadine,
    to me your pixelated picture is a reminiscing to Pop Art of Roy Lichtenstein...

    The verticalness of your stained glass is purpose? Its gothic!

    I find me scrolling up and down and up again... its really amazing... fantastic colours, I love them this way! ... and I'm nosy about those pretty boxes...

    Wish you a weekend full of light,

  4. It makes me think of tiles. beautiful colors for a beautiful week-end (over 30°C here in Paris!)

  5. Nadine...to much talent packed in one little lady!
    Happy weekend Momma!

  6. Love the abstract and especially what is in the box! I agree, oozing with talents.....

  7. Oh I love this!! Your works are always so beautiful ... that box is a true beauty too.

    Have a wonderful weekend!! xx

  8. hi dear Nadine - i love the abstract! it looks hand drawn, is it digital? It's funny how you think of a theme, you plan it in your head and if Time creeps in, it changes completely, but always in a good way - I am yet to do mine - later tonight - but I have an idea for the next theme......... should we all do a drawing/picture/anything that is a tribute to 9/11 .... which will be the date for next weekend ..... x

  9. I love it. I've told you before, your works amaze me. Those fibre pens are perfect for the cool feeling of the abstract. I get a sense of fabric here, I want to touch the surface to feel the fibres of the paper.

    And you really made me nervous this week ;) I had no ideas until this morning. The glass must have come to me in a dream as I fell asleep last night. I woke up with one thought: 'piece of cake, dear n!' :)

    I already await a new theme. Tell me if nobody volunteers, I feel inspired and might have a new theme. Although it should be someone else's turn - it's fun to pick the theme!


  10. And now I see Jasmin's idea. It's a perfect theme. I am totally in...

  11. Its a perfect theme!
    I've added it on the list right now.
