corner view ≈ tradition

end of year traditions ~
we used to not have halloween jitterz at all, until we did. 
we still have no thanksgiving, but early december we do welcome sinterklaas, who brings toys to all children small and good
we burn home candles, scented if we're feeling luxurious. 
we plug in the occasional tiny-led-lights-fixtures. we bring what little light there is inside. 
i actually love the weeks running up to christmas. when the days arrive, i kind of flee. 
jane's corner view, francesca's hosting, holly's theme. 

drawing | dress

when the ladies get undressed, they end up being naked for a long time, in my house. it is the strangest self observation, i seem to be quite into limbs. i buy dolls, undress them, i disassemble them and then i put them away. is that weird? 

i thought i'd take some inspiration from my friday's walk through raindrops and whispy winds. well, actually, perhaps i didn't.

let's face it, i shall not ever be a clothes designer. but i had a great time folding, laying down limbs and putting them away again. enjoy the weekend! i'm off myself, to 'cartoon school' no less. patrice's challenge this weekend will have us all dressed up to the nines... where's the part-eeeeeh... .   

corner view ≈ stranger

right now, there is no stranger thing than starting a cartoon drawing course. and yet, i find myself amidst others concerned on saturday mornings, hoping to fill in a full four pages cartoon & cover from scratch, for our second year's exam {in 2016}

on the same note and stranger even, to find me enjoying a tintin album on the brussels commute, all while musing over my own cartoon-to-be. 

chances are, the adventures of one small girl and her tiny WOOLF cat? ☻ jane's corner view, francesca's hosting. 

something happened in ghent

last week b. and i peddled into ghent, to stop at the design museum, 
a place 
i've been longing 
to go to. 
we had soup and pasta for heartening starters, 
because the weather was abominable. 
from raindrops to ocean waste seemed like a short distance in the last few days of a sinking exhibition 
on what all ends up in our oceans, by human arrogance. 
in itself, beautiful as displays can be, the truth behind it far less charming. 
could you live in a historic building such as this one? i know i could. 
that is, however, not gonna happen. x

corner view ≈ rough

browning palmate leaf
sticks to the graveled concrete
woe betide - rough death
jane's corner view
francesca's hosting
beth's theme

drawing | cookie{s}

to my knowledge they are either made in belgium or france, but do correct me if i'm wrong. to be frank, as long as they taste just the way a cookie should : like childhood. {and to be true; the drier, the better}. 

stefanie's theme this weekend. ... and let's face it, there's nothing above the real fox thing... ☺come on over and bon appétit

corner view ≈ darkness

with winter approaching rapidly, darkness is bound to seep back into our all days too soon, too quick. out of pure nostalgia for longer days, i find myself stalling, reluctant to switch on the evening lights. 

i drew this shed with nightfall around it, including one tiny star {yes, you can find your star!}. i liked bringing the dark to a drawing, it changed 'round my routine in my 2014 river project. jane's corner view, francesca's hosting, kelleyn's theme

drawing | swoon

yesterday an acquaintance reminded me of a communal visit to the astounding BLOOMSBURY exhibition in roubaix (F), a few years back. {sorry no relevant exhibition link survived those few years}.
east sussex
if we're talking swoon this weekend, then that perfect visit sure was a hit {if ever you are in the north of france region, the city of lille and the museum LA PISCINE in neighbouring town roubaix should not be missed}.

this morning as i took breakfast, i happened to rest my gaze on a vintage miniature figurine that hadn't made its way up to the studio yet, and i thought, these figurines always look happy, jolly, enthralled, like, they swoon. why don't i .... 

.... serve 'em right up on a plate, for the occasion? ☻ tammie proposed swoon for drawing challenge theme this weekend. go check that out. ☺ river update

beaupré abbey, not castle

imagine living next door to a castle, that isn't a castle after all, but a 13th century abbey. {fyi, i do not!}

imagine next you've been wanting to enter the castle abbey for two decades, and that hasn't happened yet. not to this date it hasn't. 
so. join an ethnographic society walk, and slide past the abbey. 

wait a minute! slide past? no-ho! 
slip over the mossy drive way through the big navy blue grilles. walk right in. 

genteel home owner allowing an eagre group of curiosity cats {including moi} free access to the abbey's wards for a bit.
{wards that are, in reality, big open spaces on three imposing levels}

{in fact blank canvased for future artistic application}

after a 1991 horrendous fire just four outside walls were left standing

the place was roughly renovated after the 1991 fire by stichting jules de bruycker, collecting the artist's works by a family heir.

to stand inside these former castle abbey walls was a bit of a dream-come-true for yours truly. 
i snuffed and sniffled, {persistently wet and moss down here, you know}. 

and didn't make it to the upper floors either, because of a fearsome vertigo. 
i did stroll happily to my heart's content over that ground floor, believe me. 

and felt deflated to leave the place again so soon...

last week i attended a workshop in a nearby nature preservation centre. something interesting will flow from it into a new year's project. for now however, you will find more impressions on my walks here. i also ordered more fall sun for this week! you're welcome.☺