corner view ≈ all the small things

small things have the ability to gently remind us of the bigger issues. playing around with small things can be fun, even if they're just washi tape scraps. jane's corner view, francesca's hosting, babies' theme. enjoy another week! n♥

corner view ≈ sacred spaces

i believe sacred spaces lie within us. suffices to catch the drift.

i shot 131 takes of a leaf, cajoling. it was in fact dangling from a spider's thread. as i left, it was still floating, determinedly, aimlessly. i wish i was that leaf. i wish it was that easy. jane's corner view, francesca's hosting, bev's theme. 

drawing | pattern

once upon a while ago i wondered how to make a repeat pattern, the one that will duplicate into the same pattern at all right angles, the one used in weaving. the method was harsh (credits where credits due: tutorial from design*sponge), but i tried it anyway. with a little help from adobe photoshop, i succeeded in designing a repeating pattern. i'm curious for more at barbara's this weekend.

corner view ≈ last but not least

i remember a class count down when i was about the tender age of ten. we were asked to guess the passing of sixty seconds by counting up or down the minute in our minds, and sitting back down at the desk when we gathered the minute had passed. 
some sat down quite quickly (amazing!), the largest crowd sat down after some 45 seconds passed, while i remained standing, counting further till sixty, feeling akward, yet assured. 

i stood up last and won the {then} unappealing price of being an accurate child. in fact this does not illustrate last but not least, not by a long haul, but it's as close as i'm ever gonna get to this week's cv theme. that and the fact i came last in our little family of three children, after two much older brothers, and they've always thought me no least.... ☻ jane's corner view, francesca's hosting, babies' theme. 

drawing | homage

i've longed for the despair in their songs, before i got to know them. i've loved his voice from the first time i heard it. i learned about the lead singer's death one morning, as it set in raining. a tribute to david mc comb, tormented in life, may his soul rest in peace. i've taken the wide open road to this homage quite literal. ☻ kristen's suggestion to pay homage this weekend.

corner view ≈ before and after

there are handsful of before and after in our home renovation project, but circumstances stop me to go the full monty on those. instead i remember fondly the garden late winter, the growing seedlings, the harvesting and later the preparing of the homebred red beet. it was a straight joy to do so, thank you, garden! jane's corner view, francesca's hosting. 

drawing | cup

i figured it time for 
a milky close up 
on cafeine contents 
of an afternoon cup. 
to stefanie
♥ cheers ♥

corner view ≈ roadside

on monday i strolled along the ostend venetian galeries and turned a corner. denting the roadside i landed in shin kai thei, {because a very kind care taker let me in on closing day}. the peace and quiet in the *deep* *sea* *garden* (am i even close, jgy?) did me good. jane's corner view, francesca's hosting. adding a few snaps to my flickr, i came across plenty more roadside. ☻