this is not a steam train gathering

when in doubt ...
... try their point of view. two of my all time favourites united in one film. oh yes, ofcourse, two years after release; you’ve all seen it already! but i just cannot easily face that film theater, it feels like somebody’s blowing out my light when i’m hoping for the best, and expecting the worst. it feels like an unorthodox trial, yes.
tik tok

... and the mobile n°1, it is swaying and it is swinging to-and-fro, it just won’t hang still while being photographed. mesmerizing though it is, putting a true spell on me notwithstanding, it’s giving me a pain in the neck already, for looking up through the lens of my camera. endlessly. my aim is making a good few (of these mobiles).
step 'almost there'

after letting go of the fact i would nowhere near find my treasured thin rods too soon, and consoling myself with the reality i was going to make do with thin wooden sticks (that break like twigs), i found light iron plant sticks at a local garden centre, and then i found some more in a crafts shop nearby. i bought their entire stock. i can make mobiles now till i die. or drop.
paisley inspired

fanny-in', are you?

"we dispense with niceties, we avoid irrelevance, disregard herrings, red or otherwise, and above all, we do not fanny about!" - not my words, they're not ... inspector grim's getting in edgeways, between late winter and early spring, when the void is upon us and our patience is tried. let him in, crack up on laughter, and above all - "you nick 'em, you lock 'em up and you throw away the door!"
spring shuffle

on my latest walk, my eyes opened right up again. the hesitating sun, the threatening cloud. my godfather took me out for coffee, and while i was sitting across the table from him, that sweet sun hit a balding patch of skin on top of his head. he was sitting quietly, peacefully, nonetheless talking excitedly. a mottle of people was shifting by.

the tarte au maton/mattentaart has a whiff of buttermilk inside, sits happily in a puff pastry case, and proofs quite tricky to make. so! living in the place where the pie is supposed to originate from is a true delight. if you like, you can give it a try. enclosed in the recipe/recept you will find a crumb of history.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

bell opens shop in the fall, in an up and coming suburb of brussels. it is hard to say what it is going to look like at this point. she is working away at it, beaver style. she is a master in lettering. [at] number 17, that is. woolfenbell is a brand w o o l f uses for hand made goodness, mainly crochet and fabric. but we also do cards. our best advice is to stop by regularly, and revel. once again.
our castle and our keep

04/03/10 - this is a room in a house that will be turned into our home, in the middle of our street, over the next coming months. woolf and son will be living there, a stone's throw away from son's dad. it is an exciting project. son and i will talk about it and show it off. bear with us.
always somewhere

one of woolfenbell's favourite places to visit is london. they travel together, or separately thither. that doesn't rule out their passion for paris, berlin, amsterdam, geneva, wallony or even their own back yard. bell's living in the cathedral's shadows, while woolf likes to think she's permanently on vacation.
celery 'afrodi'

Jane Grigson writes passionately about food in the everyday kitchen, thus making it the place to be in the home. In VEGETABLE COOKERY BOOK she adds personal preferences and variations on a theme, elaborating on long forgotten greens and trendy new vegetables. If I want to learn about a new way of preparing an all time favourite, like say celery, I pour over the pages of history and anecdote, and add my own irresistable twist. Celery soup with dill (english recipe/nederlandstalig recept) tastes bitter sweet and succulent.