04/06/10 - as i’m distractedly watching a program on design, i sense the analogy between my own legs being screwed off to facilitate transportation to-and-fro and starting major renovation. yes things are being broken down to bite size bits, and puzzle size pieces, and how will we be putting it back together again? ofcourse i want functional design to satisfy our individual needs. when modernism sustains mannerism, you either love it, or leave it. sounds like ikea. i realise, ikea is how i feel about the new house. but way before that happens...

… we're stirring my dad’s ratatouille into ae fond memory

… we're warming our faces to the june sun through the kitchen curtain

… we're wondering if these stones are coming with us

… we're lovingly cherishing the (finally!) weathered lattice work

…and for once we're consenting to neighbour’s gossiping cat
♥ have a good june weekend ♥
Your photos are really lovely. They seem to capture moods, emotions and little moments. I like photos that say something!