corner view ≈ serendipity

plain text, reworked in adobe

when things coincide, it is enjoyable like sudden fireworks. contrary to many though, i'm hard pressed to believe serendipity has a deeper meaning. unmistakably lending a note of positivity, i am more a fan of the flimsy, quirky and light aspect of serendipity, making room for the next amazing thing to happen. 
debating this statement, i realize i have, this past decade, grown from a seemingly floating creature into an advocate of a more precise, {almost} exact science. flaming norah! how'd that happen? ☻
jane's corner view, francesca's hosting, kari's theme. 
i know, i know! i need to come up with a theme...! 


  1. I have a feeling you will come up with a great theme!

  2. i'm actually battling with the opposite statement right now: if you believe it, then you see it - is serendipity a "state of mind" (referring to your previous post)?

  3. I keep the quote ;) even if I like the Francesca's case ;)

  4. YES YES YES! :) i'm so with you on the science part.

  5. Like the quote....never know how to feel about it...

  6. I am concerned as you, when I see it, than I believe it. :)

    Have a great day!

  7. hmmm, I like the quote and I also like Francesca's view.
    does it depend on the day or the situation or how I'm feeling??

  8. I like the quote;
    and I like to float;
    and like the cacti on
    your wolf's coat.

    [Look out Yeats, there's a new poet on the rise ;-) ]

  9. I have a question: When you see it (but who or what?) you believe it (but in what?)........ :)))
    I know this is the dumbest comment of the list!

  10. LOL on Heather's poem- and what does that make it if you and Francesca are both right a sort of anagram of thought?

  11. sudden fireworks! i like the thought of that!

  12. Maybe it is a little of both? I am an optimist always looking for the good.

  13. I believe it! And I have become a floating creature (you will see :))
    xo takin` the credits

  14. Does this work the other way round, too? ;o)

  15. i also like to make room for the next amazing thing to happen!!

  16. Can't the two live side by side simultaneously? Or at least amicably? I hope so! I like to think I vacillate between the two myself :) Well enjoy your precision, but don't forget to float now and then, too! <3

  17. Helloooo TinyWoolf, I love how often your change your wolf header! Is there a drawing challenge theme for this week? if so who is the delightful hostess?
    Can't find... new to the challenge. xo emily

    1. ha! emily! i can tell you that, dearie.
      it's renilde, and she's here .
      ps - ariane keeps count of all the challenges. if you go to her blog, and you scroll down you'll find somewhere in a right tab the full monty, and also the weekend(s) to come. cheerio!!
